Molly Ephraim measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size
Molly Ephraim was born on the 22nd of May 1986 and is currently aged 36. She was raised in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Her family was well established within the Bucks County Playhouse area. From a young time, she's been interested in the entertainment business. She's performed professionally at Prince Music Theater in productions as well as shows put on at the Bucks County Playhouse. Additionally, she has performed at Arden theater company in Philadelphia. She studied at Princeton University and completed her B.A. in Religious Studies in the year 2008. The activities she was involved in with her involvement in the Triangle Club included performing and choreographing. The actress has become well known for her interest in the performing arts. Molly created an income stream which is a major contributor to his wealth. Molly Ephraim gets her main income through the acting fees Molly charges in movies and TV programs. She has also made income from attending the events. She earns many thousands of dollars annually. She is worth $3 million in net worth.
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