Beautiful pics of Parker Posey and Alicia Hall feet & legs

Alicia Hall, an American actor and model won in 2005 the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search reality show on NBC. When she was 13 years old, and with the encouragement of her stepfather and mother who encouraged her to participate in her very first professional photo shoot in the month of October, 1998. She then winning a competition held at the John Robert Powers School, a well-established Las Vegas modeling institution where she then received formal training while working as a freelance web ... Parker Christian Posey is an American actress and musician. Posey was awarded an Golden Globe Award nomination, an Satellite Award nomination and two Independent Spirit Award nominations. Posey has made her film debut with Joey Breaker. In May of 2021, Parker Posey posted on Instagram a video in which she revealed she was happy that Harley the baby of her, was born. Parker Posey born to Lynda Patton and Chris Posey in Baltimore Maryland. After moving into Monroe, La., the family settled in Monroe. Chris Posey became the owner of Posey Chevrolet in Laurel. Parker graduated from R. H. Parker McKenna Posey admitted that she given birth to Harley, her daughter. "My most significant blessing" Georgia Slater works as a reporter and writer for the PEOPLE Parents team. Surprise! On Sunday afternoon, Parker McKenna Posey, 25, revealed via Instagram that she recently welcomed her first child, daughter Harley along with her boyfriend Jay Jay Wilson.

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